Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Big chunks

I just got back from class. My classes are from 8am to 2pm. To make things worse, I already wanted to take a dump by the time I was going to bed, but I'm a lazy fuck, so it was just meh. And sooo, the first thing I do when I get back to my room, is throw my backpack to the fucking floor, put some lighter clothes on, and run to the fucking toilet. By the time I get there, I clean the bloody motherfucking toilet seat which is, as a matter of fact, as nasty as a anyone can imagine. Lucky I have 2 boxes of disinfecting wipes in my room. After that I sit, and the rest is heaven on a toilet. Oh yeah. The first one came out nice and easy. A big, juicy one. Well, not juicy, but nice and large. Not as big as a nigga's cock. That would rip my fucking ass. But large enough to say, "OH YEAH, YES MOTHERFUCKING YES, I GOT YOU OUT OF MY SYSTEM YOU PIECE OF MOTHERFUCKING SHIT". But hold on, that was just the beginning. That piece of large shit had babies with it. Like the ducks. Little ducks running behind the mommy. And so they came out as well. Two of 'em to be exact. Not as large as the first one, but equally satisfying. I think there was a third one, but I don't remember anymore. Fuck that.

Forever yours,

C's chunks of shit.


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